What content do I have to publish on Social Networks?

What content do I have to publish on Social Networks?

What is it that triumphs in social networks and what are the contents that allow us to connect with consumers? This is what keeps thousands of marketers who are dedicated to keeping different accounts active on social networks and seeking to succeed with their content. As much as we read the studies and statistics of important companies in the sector about what others do on social networks, the truth is that each one must find their method.

As all community managers will say, social networks do not have a written explanation and method; You just have to test and test until the way you work works with your target audience. However, it is true that there are some basic keys that must be taken into account when entering the world of social networks. Above all, and what everyone is looking for is to know what type of content to publish on their different accounts.

Main keys to succeed with content on social networks

Although 2017 was marked by videos and new technologies, this new year seems to be that it continues to bet on the same. Videos and live content will be the main protagonists on social networks.

We wanted to collect some keys so that this year you have no excuse and you can succeed in social networks. What content do I have to publish on Social Networks?

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Actuality above all

Do not leave aside the media and the news, because you must be informed of everything that happens in your sector to be able to publish it on social networks. Users and consumers are not looking for corporate information, but information about the sector that interests them. If you can tell the same thing, but in a different way, don’t hesitate to do it.

Therefore, do not forget the news and publish on your social media account whenever it is relevant information for your sector.

Focus on Generation Z

The first members of this generation, the successor to the “millennials”, are beginning to enter work life and are very active on Snapchat and Instagram. Therefore, companies should wink at Gen Z and offer them the content that interests them.

This generation is interested in the purchase process and the most optimal user experience. What you have to do is get personalized content to try to connect successfully with this generation that has been going strong.

Content is king, but the ephemeral

It has always been said that content is king, because you want to say what you want, the text is always essential, either to position yourself in Google or to inform consumers of additional details.

However, now we are talking about ephemeral content, such as Instagram Stories or videos that are only visible for 24 hours. This type of content is what consumers demand; so get the batteries on this issue, and try to create a strategy based on ephemeral information.

The video commands

Audiovisual content is a trend this 2018. All social networks have incorporated videos, such as Facebook or Twitter; and Linkedin has been the last platform to include them.

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In addition to videos, Live Streams should be essential in this year’s content calendar. You can’t imagine a successful social account without any live video.

Giveaways and contests

It is content that is always beneficial. Organizing sweepstakes or contests is perfect to increase the number of followers and engagement. It is a real claim for consumers and you can make a good publicity of the brand.

But be careful if you don’t want to have any problems. Write the legal bases of the contest in detail and there will be no complaints.


At The Weekend Leader, Ben's written hundreds of definitions spanning a variety of IT topics including networking, cybersecurity, internet of things (IoT), DevOps and artificial intelligence. In his writing and research, he enjoys exploring the intersections of media, technology and culture.”

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