Get used to digital transformation

Get used to digital transformation

The Internet and new technologies have changed the way society behaves, the way people consume or the way things are managed on a day-to-day basis. Adults have had to adapt to digital transformation as quickly as companies have had to. However, some businesses have failed to see the importance of new technologies.

The digital transformation has been a revolution from which it is impossible to turn back, and for this reason, today we want to talk to companies that still do not understand what the dominant change trends are, what are their effects and what is the way forward to follow.

It is clear that technologies mark the way for companies and society. It is better to assume it, understand it and walk towards the same side, than to reject all kinds of technological change. Above all, if we talk about companies.

Trends in digital transformation that every company should know

The particularity of the digital world is that it changes and updates very quickly, and companies have to be vigilant to continue growing at the same rate. In this sense, we have compiled some trends that will help you understand the digital transformation more and to see if your company is aware of all these changes.

Cloud, all connected

Although this tool has been in use for many years and most companies use it for work, it is important to give it importance. Can you imagine not being able to share information from anywhere or not being able to create a shared document without being close to the people who can edit it?

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Still and all, Cloud is more than that. Cloud threads reach many areas and companies must be prepared for all of this.

Multichannel and omnichannel in ecommerce

Ecommerce is experiencing its boom in recent years, which helps to update itself and create new ways of communicating with customers. This is the case of multi-channel, a discipline that allows the user to see your products online, but also to do so in a physical store, for example.

A few years ago there was only talk about omnichannel, but multichannel channels were already beginning to be given importance. Currently, ecommerce that does not work the multichannel part, will not receive such an exponential growth.

In this matter the users rule. The trend today is to find out about a product by all existing channels, and therefore, the more channels you have, the better.

But this is not only noticeable in terms of the sale or purchase of a product, but in customer service. If a company only serves its customers through one communication channel, it will be losing many opportunities to sell and reach the end user.

The importance of real time

Now, companies have to be able to follow consumer behavior in real time. This is very important to attack with a campaign or to manage any order in real time.

In addition, the user already expects to be treated in this way, so it is clearly a trend that all companies must take into account.

In this sense, we could add that the personalization and segmentation of campaigns must be much more efficient. By controlling the parameters of the users and taking advantage of the plus of the real time, campaigns of absolute success can be achieved.

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Contents, essential in a marketing strategy

Companies have already understood that content was what users were looking for. And it is that the contents have always worked better than traditional advertising formats.

In addition to all this, the appearance of new technologies has meant that content can be created much faster and at a lower price, so they are indisputably an element to take into account.


At The Weekend Leader, Ben's written hundreds of definitions spanning a variety of IT topics including networking, cybersecurity, internet of things (IoT), DevOps and artificial intelligence. In his writing and research, he enjoys exploring the intersections of media, technology and culture.”

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