The techniques of Digital Marketing in 2020

The techniques of Digital Marketing in 2020

The digital marketing (digital marketing or) is a set of strategies, tactics and actions aimed at promoting our products or services on digital platforms such as social networks, websites, emails, etc.

Over the years the techniques have evolved incorporating all the technological innovations of web 2.0, then web 3.0 (the mobile internet) and then web 4.0 (the intelligent internet).

Currently the main techniques of Digital Marketing are the following:

Here I explain them …

# 1 – Digital Marketing Techniques: SEO

The natural positioning in the search engines or SEO (for Search Engine Marketing) is still the main input of visits to a website. The current SEO and the SEO of 20 years ago are almost nothing alike, but it is still a technique that we need to know if we are going to dedicate ourselves to Digital Marketing. Now Google understands the words and raw original content.

The novelties for this year in SEO are the application of the EAT ( Expertise, Authority & Trust) for all websites, the increase in the weight of the website speed and the change in the “ no follow ” links that I explain in point 5), among others.

# 2 – Digital Marketing Techniques: Advertising

The next most effective Digital Marketing technique after SEO is advertising, as long as you know how to do it and can control the ROI (Return on Investment). We will normally advertise on Google (by keyword in searches), by profiles (on websites associated with Google and on Facebook / Instagram) or by remarketing (on websites associated with Google and on Facebook / Instagram). For very B2B (Business to business) topics or for topics related to training, Linkedin is a good alternative.

Read More:   Digital marketing and its advantages

# 3 – Digital Marketing Techniques: Presence in Social Networks

Although most social networks in which companies can talk with their customers have become “pay to play” tools (that is, you either pay or nobody sees your messages), this is still one of the main techniques of Digital Marketing. The network that suits us best depends on who our target audience is and how old they are, so it is essential that you know your customers.

# 4 – Digital Marketing Techniques: The eMail Marketing

This technique is quite used … we have been practicing it for 20 years and since Google created the “promotions” tab in its Gmail, the open rate of messages has plummeted. The alternative now is WhatsApp Marketing… but we are waiting for the new version of WhatsApp Business that promises to incorporate the possibility of using chatbots and therefore being able to create automatic question and answer routines. There are countries in which this function is already operational, but not in Spain.

# 5 – Digital Marketing Techniques: links on other websites

Getting someone to talk about you or your company and link you is very important for two reasons: why it brings you traffic from that website and why it improves your search engine positioning since in the algorithm of ordering Google results, the number of links, the importance of those links and the trust of the links, is increasingly important.

There is a change in Google that will take effect on March 1, which is important for you to know and control. Google notified in September 2019 that as of March 1, 2020 it would stop respecting the links marked “ no follow ”. The ” no follow ” tag is automatically included by the main social networks and websites such as Wikipedia, to prevent you from using them to improve your SEO. So until now, it was an exam question in Digital Marketing “do links on social media improve your search engine rankings?” the answer was “No, because the links are no follow”. Well, Google says that it will ignore no-follow tags and that it will also penalize all websites that have paid links not tagged as “sponsored ”. It also recommends using the “ user generated content ” tag to flag user-created content that it will index. In other words, as of March 1, the way of doing our “ link building strategy ” changes . I will post an article on this topic when it goes into effect.

Read More:   Stay One Step Ahead by Understanding the Importance of Digital Marketing

# 6 – Digital Marketing Techniques: Direct Traffic

Direct traffic is the one that occurs when someone types your website name, your URL, directly into the browser. This happens when you have done branding very well and people search for your company on its website. You can monitor your branding from Google Analytics -> Acquisition -> Search Console -> perform a search for your company or brand name and monitor each month how many times your name has been searched in Google and how many times they have clicked on your page.

In Google Analytics -> Acquisition, you will be able to see the input sources of visits to your website and you will see that they coincide with the 6 techniques that I explain in this article.

The goal is always to drive traffic to the website in order to convert it into a business contact or customer. This strategy is called “ hub & Spoke ” (the center and the spokes). The center is your website and the radios are the rest of the digital tools.

I hope the article has been interesting to you.

You will find more information in these links:

  • SEO MOOC in which I explain, together with Helena Casas , the basics of SEO .
  • Article in which Google explains the new operation of no follow links .
  • The basic techniques of Marketing (digital or non-digital)


At The Weekend Leader, Ben's written hundreds of definitions spanning a variety of IT topics including networking, cybersecurity, internet of things (IoT), DevOps and artificial intelligence. In his writing and research, he enjoys exploring the intersections of media, technology and culture.”

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