Discover Inbound Marketing, Fashion or Future?

Discover Inbound Marketing, Fashion or Future?

A revolutionary technique at the same time as contemporary, which allows avoiding the intrusion of traditional marketing by discovering a new path in the world of marketing. If you want to discover its usefulness and how it is put into practice, stay and I’ll explain it to you.

No of course it is more than that, currently Inbound is the ground where all or practically all marketing strategies are built today. In controversy with the usual strategies, this one sheds a light on the path, diverging from the traditional “assault” (Outbound Marketing).


Inbound initiates affectionate actions (which we will talk about later) in order to attract customers naturally. It is presented as a concept opposed to Outbound (traditional marketing). Proposed by Dharmesh Shah and Brian Halligan in 2005.

Pillars on which Inbound Marketing is based.

Traffic attraction

In order for the whole mechanism to start up, the first and foremost thing we have to do is attract users to the brand’s website. But not in a massive way, through spam and other mechanisms, but on the contrary, selectively attract our “target customers”. To achieve this purpose, there are different techniques between them.

The conversion

The user has ended up on our website, our fundamental objective in this process is that they leave us their data to have their leads. The classic and effective strategy is to provide valuable content in exchange for leaving us your data.

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It is possible that we do not know the concept of lead, they are defined as those who have left us their data in exchange for content of great interest. And that is why they are now part of our database.

Marketing automation

This process tries to automate the mechanism by which we communicate with leads until we get them to become customers. There are techniques like.

·  Lead Scoring or lead classification in Spanish, is a marketing mechanism that consists of automating the data of a client, with the aim of classifying the leads and recording it in a database, and seeing their proximity with the ideal client (buyer person)

·  Lead Nurturing or lead nutrition in Spanish, is again an automated marketing mechanism on track towards the education and maturation of business opportunities (leads), as well as the loyalty of current clients, to achieve a defined objective.


As the word itself indicates, once we manage to convert a lead into a customer, the next process will be to try to retain the customer as much as possible, through loyalty strategies, which could include newslatters, incentives …

Extra. Analysis

To perfect or complete your strategy, you must meticulously analyze the results obtained, focusing on those results that truly define the keys to knowing if your strategy is succeeding or not.


At The Weekend Leader, Ben's written hundreds of definitions spanning a variety of IT topics including networking, cybersecurity, internet of things (IoT), DevOps and artificial intelligence. In his writing and research, he enjoys exploring the intersections of media, technology and culture.”

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