The importance of working together on web design and branding

The importance of working together on web design and branding

In recent years, web design and branding have come closer together little by little. It is no longer worth having a super powerful branding strategy, but that the website does not live up to the message. In a short time there has been an improvement in understanding that a brand means much more than an idea.

A brand is a symbol, a design and an idea that have to go hand in hand, showing coherence at all times. It is not logical for a company to have a brilliant business idea, but then their image is not related to what they want to convey. This is over now, and for this reason, we say that web design and branding have to work together, because they are fellow travelers. It is indisputable.

Brands are very important, as they help to retain and win customers. But how do you create a brand? You have to design a work plan and guide a series of guidelines that will be the true ‘Jedi’ of the brand. When the branding plan and the brand are designed, no member of the team should break those rules: not only the designers, but those who are dedicated to communication either.

Common elements of web design and branding in a brand

And is that the way to communicate with users falls within the brand strategy. What image do you want to convey? Informal or formal? All these issues must be considered in this section.

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Next, we explain some elements that are worked in common with the web design team and the branding team:

Color, vital for web design and branding

Color is not just an aesthetic choice, it evokes emotions and carries subconscious associations. For example, red is a color that signifies passion, energy, power, and excitement. Many companies in the entertainment sector choose this color for their brand for this reason, to convey to their users those values ​​they want to achieve.

All colors have their meanings and it is very important that, before starting to design the web, you inform yourself of all the feelings that colors can express and choose the one that goes according to the image you want to convey.

Therefore, it is very important that branding and web design work hand in hand in this regard.

Brand personality, define what you are

Many users buy products for the sole purpose of feeling as special as the brands claim. A very clear example is that of Apple, which conveys a fine, empowered and stylish personality. People who want to project that image, surely buy an iPhone before a Huawei, for example.

In this sense, it is important that you ask yourself the following question: “Does your brand have character?” Creating a character or personality for your brand is essential to guide the message you want to give towards a certain path.

Once this is defined, you should talk to the web design team so that they can represent the personality of the brand with images and colors.

Emotion, a factor to work with magnifying glass

This point has a lot to do with the previous one. Just as the brand has to have a personality, which has to be thought, designed and disseminated by the team, emotions must also work towards the same direction.

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The question in this section could be: “What feelings and emotions do you want to evoke in the people who visit your website?”

Ultimately, designing the aesthetics of your website should not focus on design trends, but rather on deciding what ideas and emotions you want your brand to convey. Forget about fashions, and focus more on the emotions of the users.

Consistency, create a brand that is remembered

Like everything in life, a brand must also be consistent. It is important that users remember your brand, and one of the guidelines to follow to achieve this goal is to be consistent. How to be consistent in this regard? Repeating over and over the information you want to highlight.

In this sense, branding and web design are very close as well. The message that you want to transmit will be done both in the campaigns and on the web.

Value proposition, make a difference

It is time to define the value of the brand, what will make you different, and what will make users come to you and not to the competition. In this case, it is also very important that web design and branding work together.

Communication to reinforce the character and personality of the brand

Internal and external communication is very important. In this case, we are talking about the language with which you are going to project the message abroad.

You will have to define whether to speak more colloquial, whether to be more formal, etc. This is also very important when designing the website, since for everything to be coherent, it is convenient that branding and web design work hand in hand.

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At The Weekend Leader, Ben's written hundreds of definitions spanning a variety of IT topics including networking, cybersecurity, internet of things (IoT), DevOps and artificial intelligence. In his writing and research, he enjoys exploring the intersections of media, technology and culture.”

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